ISTT webinar: A review of developments in UV Cured CIPP lining from its introduction
Publicerad: 23 november, 2020

Join the second ISTT educational webinar with Dr. Dec Downy!
Note: This webinar is for ISTT members only.
Date/Time: 17 December 2020 / 09:00 am US Eastern Standard Time (EST) / 14:00 GMT
Title: A review of developments in UV Cured CIPP lining from its introduction in 1985
Presenter: Dr. Dec Downey
47 years in water and wastewater pipeline construction and rehabilitation with ARC Pipes, Insituform Technologies Inc., Jason Consultants Group and Trenchless Opportunities Ltd. UKSTT Chairman 1999-2001, ISTT Chairman 2007-2010
UV Curing for Cured in place pipelining was developed and launched in the UK and Sweden by Insituform Group and INPipe AB in the mid1980s. It took some time to establish but over the past twenty years has made a major contribution to the growth of CIPP worldwide. It offers certain advantages over more traditional curing methods but requires investment in technology, quality management and skilled operators to take full advantage of its potential. This presentation will provide an appraisal of the technology and a glimpse at what the future may hold.