ISTT Members: Environmental Impact Assessment of Steam-Cured CIPP

Publicerad: 10 november, 2020

ISTT has launched a new webinar series (dedicated to only members), with the first presentation given by Dr. John C. Matthews, Director, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univeristy on 18 November 2020 at 09:00 am US Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).

This webinar was organized by the ISTT Technology and Education Committee. ISTT plans more webinars in the coming months as our usual face-to-face meetings are on hold.

Environmental Impact Assessment of Steam-Cured CIPP

This webinar will present findings from a recent study of the potential environmental impacts of steam-cured cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) installations. This comprehensive study collected real data from multiple projects using various sampling methods to determine the extent of any impacts. The objectives of the study were to both evaluate air emissions from steam-cured CIPP and determine potential impacts on workers. This was accomplished by directly measuring worker exposure to emissions for locations onsite or offsite.

The installation sites represented a range of scenarios typical of CIPP installations. Dispersion of the emissions were modeled to estimate compound concentrations for a large set of scenarios and weather conditions. The potential health risks were evaluated based on appropriate health-based action levels using the measured and modeled data.

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