Trenchless International kommer att upphöra

Publicerad: 20 augusti, 2020

Trenchless International meddelar att hemsidan kommer stängas ned från och med fredag 28 augusti. Anledningen är den påverkan som COVID-19 har för branschen, skriver redaktören David Convery i ett mail till prenumeranterna.

David Convery skriver:

”Considering the ongoing restrictions and uncertainty in the international market, we at Great Southern Press feel that the best choice was to close the brand and focus our efforts on continuing to deliver our core brands, The Australian Pipeliner and Trenchless Australasia, to the highest standard possible.

We have a number of exciting projects planned for these brands including revamping our websites, rolling out fresh publication designs, expanding our print distribution, and developing new custom marketing opportunities for our clients. If you are interested in purchasing a subscription to either of these publications, please do not hesitate to let us know.

In addition, we have a number of opportunities to expand our event portfolio through local and international events.

The closure of Trenchless International will be effective from Friday 28 August 2020. Up to this date, we will continue updating our website with the latest news and distributing our fortnightly e-newsletter. You will also be able to continue accessing digital editions of our magazines here.”

Jan Bjerkesjö