Submissions open for 2020 ISTT Awards
Publicerad: 6 augusti, 2020

Dr Nils Fuechtjohann with ISTT Chair Jari Kaukonen during the award's presentation in 2019.
Now is your opportunity to submit an entry for the ISTT’s 2020 No-Dig Awards, which recognise the achievements of the international trenchless technology industry. The annual awards promote the science and practice of no-dig methods by acknowledging the recipients’ accomplishments in ground-breaking projects and research.
The ISTT’s Annual No-Dig Awards will be presented at a ceremony during International No-Dig Kuala Lumpur/ Trenchless Asia on 17–18 November 2020. The awards recognise excellence in the international trenchless technology industry and are an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of no-dig methods for the previous year.
Applicants may submit one file per entry and should prepare submissions in English, with a 1,000 word maximum limit and include relevant illustrations. Submissions can be made in four categories: academic research training; trenchless project completed; new machine, tool, material, system or technique; and student or young professional paper.
The criteria for award selection includes the entry’s innovative, ingenious, elegant or novel approach and contribution to the global advancement of trenchless technology; environmental protection or social cost reduction; commercial and economic practicability; and the impact on ISTT members and a wider audience.
Entries must be clearly explained and presented, showcasing the benefits from the selection criteria. Trenchless project and new machines award applicants should also demonstrate a practical use or development of trenchless systems or equipment for the installation or rehabilitation of underground utility networks.
Award applications must be endorsed by the Affiliated Society where the activity took place. Applications for activities outside of a region with an affiliated society are exempt from this requirement.
In addition to being presented with a trophy and certificate during No-Dig Kuala Lumpur/Trenchless Asia, winners will also be featured in a future edition of Trenchless International. They will also be added to
the ISTT Award Winner Role of Honour featured on the society’s website and have permission to use the society’s logo on promotional material related to winning
the award.
Award winners also have the opportunity to make a brief presentation on the award at the conference, time permitting. The student award winner will also receive a monetary grant and financial travel assistance to attend the conference in Kuala Lumpur.
Submissions close: 15 August 2020
Entries should be submitted using the online form supplied at