Rescheduling of Trenchless Asia 2020 and International No Dig
Publicerad: 7 juli, 2020

Photo from ISTT International meeting 2019.
Paul Harwood from Westrade Group, organizer of the Trenches Asia 2020 in Malaysia, rescheduling the event until juni 2021. Paul writes in a communiqué from ISTT: ”I wanted to keep you updated on plans for Trenchless Asia 2020, that will also feature the ISTT International No-Dig. As you know, I very much think of us all as a big trenchless family who see each other all over the world and I therefore wanted to share with you my current thoughts on Trenchless Asia. So here goes.
A safe and successful Trenchless Asia 2020 for all concerned, that is my primary concern. Due to the still unforeseeable circumstances, this objective is unfortunately no longer feasible. I have therefore taken the extremely difficult decision to postpone Trenchless Asia until June 30-July 1st 2021. The decision has been taken to ensure a duty of care to everyone involved in the show, including staff, exhibitors, visitors and suppliers. The support from exhibitors has been phenomenal and the 2020 Trenchless Asia was due to be the biggest yet. However ensuring the safety of everyone involved is my number one priority, and of course delivering a high quality visitor level. I believe holding Trenchless Asia in June/July will meet all priorities including exhibitor and visitor expectation and provide the springboard to the Trenchless and underground infrastructure sector in that region.
Additionally I am always mindful of the expense invested by exhibitors and wanted to provide as much notice as possible to assist you with your planning for Trenchless Asia that was due to be held on 17-18 November 2020 at the KLCC, Malaysia. The new dates will now be June 30-July 1st 2021 and held once again at the Kuala Lumpur Convention centre. All existing exhibition stands will be automatically transferred to the new exhibition date. We are confident that Trenchless Asia will continue to offer everything that those with existing bookings are hoping for.
We look forward to seeing you again in June 2021 for what promises to be the biggest ever Trenchless Asia. Above all and despite these eventful times, we wish you all the best both personally and professionally. We will keep you up to date on our website and on our social media channels.”
The ISTT International council will meet virtually in 2020, tentatively in the same November timeframe as earlier. This virtual meeting will be the official 2020 annual meeting of the ISTT International council.