Amerikanska tips för den som anordnar webbinars
Publicerad: 29 maj, 2020

Vi frågade Michelle Hill, Program Director, North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), om tips för den som arrangera webbinars.
Webbinar har blivit ett populärt sätt att arrangera utbildningar och möten när coronapandemin nu sätter stopp för personliga möten. Men hur anordnar man ett lyckat webbinar? Vi ställde frågan till Michelle Hill, Program Director, North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), som har erfarenheter av att arrangera webbinars sedan 2012.
How long do you have experience with webinars? When did you start using webinars for events?
NASTT started it’s webinar series in 2012. We have successfully managed 20 webinars which are posted as on demand archives on our website.
Have you used webinars for meetings, training/education or information?
We primarily use webinars for trenchless educational training. We feel this is a great way to communicate not only our North American members, but to all professionals in the industry worldwide.
What are your most important lessons from webinars? What distinguishes a good webinar from a bad one? What must an organizer think carefully about?
We pride ourselves in hosting webinars that are non-commercial. I think it’s really important for NASTT, as the not-for-profit member society for the trenchless industry, to circulate technical content that is unbiased. We have a great success rate due to the fact that we are known for not hosting sales pitches.
Have webinars replaced trips to meetings to a high or low degree?
I think webinars are a great added educational experience, but I don’t think they can replace in-person meetings. There are great Q&A features with webinars, but there is an unmatched value with being able to network face to face.
How have webinars been developed from the beginning to the present?
We’re definitely seeing some upgrades in technologies with webinars, but ultimately the foundation of webinars has stayed the same since we’ve been hosting them here at NASTT.
What advice would you give us in Scandinavia to become successful organizers?
The key is to be prepared! We always set up dry runs with our speakers to make sure they are familiar with the software. We ask them to develop their slide deck well in advance so we can practice before the live event.
We also always have canned questions prepared. This way if the audience is slow to ask questions via the Q&A platform we have samples of questions to get the conversations going. We often don’t need to use any of these questions, but it’s great to have them in our back pocket!
It’s also wise to enlist a moderator who is very knowledgeable about the subject matter so they can manage the Q&A coming in live from the audience. They will know best which questions to prioritize.