No-Dig Live Postponed - New Dates 23-25 March 2021
Publicerad: 5 maj, 2020

A safe and successful No-Dig Live 2020 for all concerned—that is our primary concern. Due to the still unforeseeable circumstances, this objective is unfortunately no longer feasible. No-Dig Live was due to be held on 15 – 17th September 2020 at the East of England Arena & Events Centre. The new dates will now be 23rd-25th March 2021.
The decision has been taken to ensure a duty of care to everyone involved in the show, including staff, exhibitors, visitors and suppliers. The support from exhibitors has been phenomenal and the 2020 No-Dig Live was due to be the biggest yet. However ensuring the safety of everyone involved is my number one priority and of course delivering a high quality visitor level. I believe holding No-Dig Live in March will meet all priorities including exhibitor and visitor expectation and provide the springboard to the Trenchless and underground infrastructure sector.