NO-DIG Moscow 2016

NO-DIG Moscow 2016

26 april, 2016 – 26 april, 2016
Exhibition Centre VDNH

NO-DIG Moscow is the leading trade trenchless technologies show that offers an exciting opportunity to market products at a highly focused event which is targeted to attract specialists from Russia and CIS. New technologies and equipment for HDD and tunneling will be displayed at the exhibition, as well as new methods and equipment for pipe diagnostics, relining and rehabilitation.

NO-DIG Moscow is a part of ECWATECH show (

In 2014 ECWATECH attracted 810 exhibitors (including 72 exhibitors on 3 063 sq. m for NO-DIG Moscow) and 12365 visitors.

Geographical area: Europe

Organizer: ECWATECH Ltd., The Russian Society for Trenchless Technologies (RSTT), The International Association of Specialists for Horizontal Directional Drilling (MAS GNB)

Contact: Nato Chumburidze (
