Direct Pipe installation completed in Poland
Publicerad: 5 augusti, 2019
A Direct Pipe® installation has been completed on a Polish gas pipeline project.
A consortium comprising Denys and PORR has completed a Direct Pipe microtunnelling installation for Gaz System’s 40 inch (1,016 mm), 55 km Tworóg to Tworzen gas pipeline.
The installation made used of Denys’ knowledge and experience of microtunnelling in the varied geology in Europe and North Africa.
The pipeline will run alongside an existing high pressure gas pipeline to increase the safety and reliability of natural gas transmission to the region, as well as diversifying natural gas sources.
The construction is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the ‘Infrastructure and Environment’ program, which aims to support Poland’s shift towards a competitive and low-carbon economy favouring low power consumption and a reduction of CO² emissions.
Construction is scheduled for completion in 2020.
For more information visit the Gaz System website.